via media

英 [ˈvaɪə ˈmiːdiə] 美 [ˈvaɪə ˈmiːdiə]

网络  中庸之道; 中间路线; 中间道路; 中道; 媒介


  1. To help get around the gloss of a high-priced coaching package, institutions are experimenting with ways to meet candidates in their personal worlds& primarily via social media.
  2. At the more engaged end of the advertising spectrum, marketers often vie for the Holy Grail that is viral marketing via social media.
  3. Over two billion smartphones will soon be interconnected via social media all across the globe.
  4. Since chubbies launched in late 2011, it has only marketed itself via social media.
  5. The Tax-avoidance spotlight has been shining brightly, via the media, on companies like General Electric ( GE), Exxon Mobil, Verizon ( VZ), and big multinational banks.
  6. The company has enlisted its nearly 60,000 tutors to promote the service via social media.
  7. Mothers are also seeking out expert medical advice, parent-to-parent wisdom, and product reviews via social media.
  8. The challenge is simple: Either donate$ 100 to a given cause, or douse yourself with ice, film it, and pass the challenge on to others via social media.
  9. President Barack Obama, who made big strides using social media to rally supporters in his 2008 campaign, appears ready to rally his base once again via social media.
  10. Now he works at a digital marketing company that contacted him after seeing his billboard via social media.
  11. Indeed, the only sector that still commands high trust post-2007 is technology: many respondents now prefer to get guidance from their peers via social media rather than place faith in experts such as politicians or business leaders.
  12. With everyone concentrating on staying connected via social media, it is good every once in a while to pick up the phone and say hello.
  13. In the aftermath of dramatic events like Monday's bombing attack at the Boston Marathon, it's a truth of our times that millions of people will get early bits of news via social media.
  14. They often communicate via social media and business news channels to emotionally pressure management and collaborate with other shareholders.
  15. These days, more and more voters are getting their information – about politics and everything else – via social media platforms such as Twitter.
  16. The song, devised by ad agency BBH Asia-Pacific and spread via social media, is part of Mentos's plan to launch a special 'I Heart SG' pack of their signature mints for this year's National Day.
  17. So I have drawn the impolite conclusion that most efforts by foreign politicians and their handlers to involve ordinary Chinese via social media have been pretty much failures.
  18. The social disease of sociopathy should NOT be allowed to spread via media of any sort in any civilized society.
  19. The user can then communicate with one another at any time, with any device or via any media as may please them.
  20. Any change or modification to the standard service contract between an operator and its subscribers shall be announced via the media before the implementation thereof.
  21. Procedures for submission of the various financial statements via electronic media shall be prescribed by this corporation.
  22. While getting evidence-based health information and messages out to the public via social media may seem simple, the challenge is in listening and responding to questions and rumours in a timely way.
  23. He approvingly cites companies that reward consumers for promoting them via social media.
  24. "All in all, we have stayed at the level of cancer prevention via mass media campaigns and periodical check-ups of women for the early detection of cervical pre-cancer lesions," says Popescu.
  25. Naturally, sow milk provided liquid and nutrients, but after weaning, the pig needs to distinguish between thirst and hunger and also to realize that these needs must be satisfied via separate media.
  26. Watch news of swine flu via media everyday.
  27. Elbes says that it is possible to protect sound public health information and advice via social media.
  28. Employers are also staying in touch with prospective hires via social media, such as Facebook, and LinkedIn, the professional networking site.
  29. Community education is conducted via the media and its network of eight regional offices.
  30. News is the nature of media. The timely news transmission via media is one of the criteria for the mass to decide whether the information should be taken.



  1. a middle way between two extremes

      Synonym:    compromise